Dust from the Book Fairy

Archive for the ‘Not school related’ Category

Okay, this is a bit political, which I thought I’d try to stay away from here, but I couldn’t help it. NYC Educator is on my feed reader, and a recent entry had this very interesting graph from the Washington Post. If this is accurate, McCain’s tax cuts are almost entirely for the wealthy. The lower income brackets, who ostensibly need the most help, get the smallest tax breaks under McCain’s plan. That doesn’t seem fair to me. Obama’s plan will probably anger the wealthy, but it looks like the majority (60% of taxpayers) will be better off under his tax plan. You can click the picture to see the whole article, with a bigger graph.

I think Obama’s plan looks way better for me personally, and way more “fair” for most people. My definition of fair–shared often enough with my students that they can recite it:

“Fair is not everyone getting the same. Fair is everyone getting what they NEED.”

This Sunday was very sleepy for my husband and me. Today is Pascha, so we were up until 4 a.m. at church. Pascha is Easter in the Orthodox Church. I am not Orthodox yet, but I attend with my husband. Even if you are not Orthodox, you should attend Pascha liturgy at least once in your lifetime. It is beautiful, and indescribable. Today was the second time for me, as we’ve only been married a bit less than a year. After the service, everyone EATS, and tries to crack each others’ red eggs.

Our priest posted this beautiful youtube video on his blog today. I don’t understand most of the words, but you can hear them saying Christ is Risen! in it. It sounds like Christos A-less-ti.
